What type of dieter are you?

Have you ever asked yourself why some people struggle with their diets while it seems to be so easy for others?!

Why do some people achieve their weight loss goals within a couple of months while others diet for years with no visible success?

The reason why some are more successful with their weight or fat loss is simply their day-to-day behavior or habits. You could have the best coach in the world and the best fitness routine and nutrition plan, yet it will be very difficult to get fast and sustainable results with no established healthy habits that you practice daily.

However, before you even start creating healthy habits, let’s discover your dieting personality.

Finish the quiz below to learn what kind of a dieter you are.

Once you answer all questions from the quiz, you will get the results along with further details on how you can support your weight loss goals.

Elena Biedert

Elena Biedert is an award-winning and globally recognized pre- and postnatal coach, internationally published author and model. Driven by her son’s traumatic birth with an unexpected c-section that almost took her life, Elena founded "Mama Fitness Coaching“ to support other mothers. With a holistic approach, Elena focuses on helping new mothers recover and reach their fitness goals post-pregnancy so that they can feel confident and strong without sacrificing important time with their loved ones.

December 1, 2023

Elena Biedert

Elena Biedert is an award-winning and globally recognized pre- and postnatal coach, internationally published author and model. Driven by her son’s traumatic birth with an unexpected c-section that almost took her life, Elena founded "Mama Fitness Coaching“ to support other mothers. With a holistic approach, Elena focuses on helping new mothers recover and reach their fitness goals post-pregnancy so that they can feel confident and strong without sacrificing important time with their loved ones.

December 1, 2023

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