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Top Tips A New Mom Should Know

Top Tips A New Mom Should Know

Becoming a mom can cause all the feelings, positives like excitement, joy, and happiness, but also negative ones like frustration, sadness, loneliness, and so many more.
As a pre- and postnatal coach who has worked with many women, I collected the most helpful tips that every new mom should know.

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What to Do When New Year Resolutions Have Failed

What to Do When New Year Resolutions Have Failed

From year to year, it’s always the same. So many people see the beginning of the year as an opportunity for a fresh start, whether to start a new hobby, a training program or finally make a dream a reality. Unfortunately, the desire for a change ends as suddenly as it starts. Here, I explain why it is so common and what to do when your New Year’s resolutions have failed.

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Enjoy Your Holiday Treats Without Guilt

Enjoy Your Holiday Treats Without Guilt

The holiday season is a beautiful time and an opportunity to get together with friends and family and have a good time. And what are social gatherings without food?! What if you don’t want to say „No“ to a pie but have your fitness and physique goals?

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What type of dieter are you?

What type of dieter are you?

Have you ever asked yourself why some people struggle with their diets while it seems to be so easy for others?! Take this quiz to learn what kind of a dieter you are.

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How to stay fit on vacations

How to stay fit on vacations

In this article, I’ll talk about the essentials you should consider to pack going on a vacation, whether you travel by car or flying.

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Top Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Top Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Here are my top tips on how can you improve your sleep quantity and quality, and how can you improve your recovery and sports performance by that, and well.. just feel refreshed and rested!

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