This article was originally published in Best Holistic Life Magazine on January 2023
Let’s be honest, stigmatizing mom bodies is a deeply lived behavior in our modern society. There are some differences depending on a country and its culture, yet still, there is a huge market of “bouncing back”-offers to a struggling mom. It starts from all the different programs promising to get you a flat belly after childbirth to some magic cremes, oils, and waist trimmers.
Especially as a new mom, it’s easy to get trapped in this mentality yourself. When you are in a body that you suddenly don’t recognize, and everything around you says that you should look and feel different by now, no wonder you might think that something is wrong with you or this is your new reality. But let me tell you one thing – you CAN have the best body you ever had and feel great in it! Sure, a healthy diet and a smart fitness program will support your goals, but your new mom bod starts from the inside out!
Eliminate the stigma of a mom bod
If I only could count how often I heard this common “Well, I am a mom now.” when a topic of fitness somehow arises in a conversation, whether professionally or in casual dialogue with a fellow mom. It’s like we try to explain what we do or do not do while, in reality, we are just not satisfied with ourselves. And it’s been this way since I can remember, long before I became a mother and a women’s coach at Mama Fitness Coaching.
A soft belly, leaking during an exercise or when coughing, no energy and back pain are all commonly associated with women after having their child. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a 2-month newborn or a 20-year-old.
The sad truth is that so many women don’t know they don’t have to live with it. Some are afraid to speak up about their intimate struggles, while others simply don’t have access to a good support system and postpartum care.
And this is what I mean when I say that your new mom bod starts from the inside out. We need to eliminate the stigma that women’s bodies are somehow incapable of doing specific things after childbirth. This couldn’t be far from the truth!
A positive mind sees opportunities
Yes, your body and life change after becoming a parent – your schedule might get busier, and your priorities shift. And yes, you might indeed not have time to go to a gym, and that’s okay! But once you stop resisting that your life has changed, you will see the opportunities of how you can make your current state better. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to feel and look great. It’s great if you can, but you definitely don’t have to. Some of the moms I coach could work out only 5 minutes a couple of days a week because that’s where their limit was – time limit and the amount of extra work they could add to an already extremely stressful life. And guess what? Instead of doing nothing because of the stress load, they put just 10 to 15 minutes of work in a week, plus some time for more mindful choices in their diet. Not only was it a shift from the all-or-nothing mentality, but with this change, they could lower their weight to the pre-pregnancy weight and transform their bodies dramatically.
This mental shift changes your actions, and your actions will bring you the results
It is okay not to be okay. However, when your mind starts refusing to settle with the uncomfortable feelings and daily struggles, you will begin actively looking for a solution. A positive mindset will help you see a bigger impact in smaller changes and motivate you to take action. This might be taking more time for yourself and your hobbies, hiring a coach, making an appointment with a pelvic floor PT, or something else.
This mental shift will change the way you handle different situations in your life, your actions, and even how you talk to yourself. And this is the moment when the fundamental transformation happens! Now, you know how you can advocate for yourself and what’s best for you! And if you don’t, you are willing to learn it.
It’s the actions like regularly going for a walk or buying healthier foods that will give you the results you desire. But you will start taking these actions only when your mind is set up for it.
If you are ready to take action now, schedule a call with me so that we can find a strategy that works for you. Simply fill out THIS FORM, and I’ll get back to you via the email you left.